ArtMessageWelcomeMessageMessage Japanese EtigamiMessageTree of LifeKuna Native People of PanamaMessageMessageRaven Mask
BBoard of EducationMessageBoard MembersImportant Information24-25 Powell Township School Board of Education Meeting ScheduleMeeting MinutesPowell Twp. School Mission StatementBoard of Education Policies
Budget TransparencyMessageBudget Transparency ReportThe following information is required to be posted on our website: Approved Deficit Elimination PlanOut of State Travel ExpensesQuick LinksQuick LinksDistrict Credit Card InformationSection 3a, 3b and 3c Listing of the Collective bargaining Agreements, Health Care Plans and Audit ReportSection 2a and 2b - Summary of Expenditures - Expressed in Pie ChartsSection 5: Annual Amount Spent on Dues paid to AssociationsSection 6: Annual Amount Spent on Lobbying or Lobbying Services Board Salary and Employee Expenses